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Tag: beauty brands

Is Dove Cruelty-Free?

Dove recently announced that the brand is now “cruelty-free” but what does that mean exactly? Does that mean that cruelty-free…

Is Bliss Cruelty-Free?

Bliss is a well-known skincare brand that offers a wide range of skincare products. Bliss can be found at Ulta…

Vegan and Cruelty-Free Nail Polish Brand List (Updated for 2020)

When I first switched to vegan beauty and skincare, I was surprised at how many vegan nail polish brands starting…

The Instagram-Famous, Cruelty-Free Beauty Brand You Need To Know About

There is an Instagram-famous cruelty-free beauty brand out there that is too good not to share. I discovered this brand…

Cruelty-Free and Vegan Foundations (2019)

Updated 7/9/2019 Just recently, I was on the search for a new cruelty-free and vegan foundation. I realized that it…